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Thursday, January 03, 2013


Christmas 2012

We had several parties with family over the Christmas Break,,, but I forgot my camera on our fist and very important one at my son Stuarts with his wife Jen, four GD's and the rest of my family.  
Stuart has gone to Denver in USA for 1 year as an exchange teacher...and is in fact there as I write - and its a cold place to go to from 40C heat here to -15C there.
Here is a photos of Joashuah, the first day he had hos P plates and was able to drive on his ow.  He is now in Denver for a year in high school

So then on Christmas Eve we had another celebration at my eldest DD's  house so there were our 2 DD's and their families too..in the love new additions to their house. and their families were there.
Christmas day - breakfast


and Dinner

We all have a great day - beach every morning with the children...even me too - a first in a long time.

40C temperatures for ab out 6 days - too hot by far!


Raewyn said...

Fun photos Joan - it looks like you had a great time! Those temperatures sound pretty melt-y!!

natalia said...

Great time with Family! But the beach! in December! it's so...incredible, haha,at least for me....