Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Have been home for a bit now, but still not right and pain remains with me. I dont sit at the computer for long.
We have a great holiday, saw a total of 26 whales...and my DH Mal actually came with us for a few days. Here are some photos of our trip

Andrea, Mal and me! 
as you may guess it was cold.    

 I am having problem s with my posts...they wont work as I would like them to...so I will just get these up anyway.

Some of the whales at Cheynes Beach.  I think they were Southern Right whales
This is how far the whale in the top photo is from us.

Andrea at Circular Pool near The Valley of the Giants Walpole.
It was pouring, and hailing, but we managed our visit with lots of laughter.

Some of the coastal bush in Waichinicup National Park
Mal on the Tree Walk in the Valley of the Giants.  They are all giant Tingle Trees
Very unique I believe

Me amongst the giants

Conspicuous Cliff Walpole.
It was too cold and windy to go further, so Andrea climbed up to this lookout.
Farmland and cattle at Walpole
Walking down part of the Bibbulmen Track.

This is a 1000km walk. 
we didnt walk that far :)  This part of the track is in

More later - I need to go rest!


  1. thank you for sharing the pictures...i feel too cold when i saw the pictures...here it is ridiculously hot...

    Take rest Joan...that's the only medicine for the pain relief...

  2. Missing you, Joan! yesterday I actually thought of you all day as I was attempting some machine (straight!) quilting! :)
    But what lovely pictures! My heart skipped a beat seeing that tail, so I can only imagine the thrill of actually being there and experiencing the whales!
    I am sad to hear you are still in pain. As much as we all miss you, we rather you rest and recover. We'll be ok, waiting patiently for your return!
    Thinking of you!

  3. Thanks for the virtual tour , really enjoyed the pictures .Take it easy .

  4. I'm sooooo glad you had a good time! You look happy. Miss chatting with you online, but it's more important you don't hurt yourself more. *hugs*

  5. So glad you are back. Rest and maybe enjoy a little handwork. That can take my mind off nearly everything.

  6. WOW!! Thanks so much for sharing!

  7. What beautiful pictures. I've enjoyed them.

  8. Welcome Home Joan!! I've missed you and thought about e-mailing you but was worried you were still in pain. I LOVED the pictures and you all seemed to be having a wonderful time even though it was wet and cold :0)


  9. So sorry to hear you are still in pain. I had hoped that your holiday and relaxing would help. I love to watch the whales here. We have humpbacks and orcas around here. Love the drawing you are doing...I would love to be able to do that. Take good care and looking forward to seeing the progress on POTC.

  10. That sounds like a most fun vacation.


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