Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Ok - here it is with the quilting completed...

Lots of things wrong with it - really!
You can see all the places where the tension was not right .  In the centre, thee is the white thread from the bobbin showing.
Underneath my name - there is brown showing...I tried brown silk in the bobbin...changed the bobbin settings - and it didnt work..
In a couple of places I have forgotten to do the design...and the sewing is so small I couldnt face the unpicking :(
Anyway its a learning I am not complaining.. but I am not really happy with it.

I am trying to work out how to make a movie of some of the video that Andrea took last night, but have no idea what program to use for I am working on that.

Now I have to buy a black zip to go in the back section of the cushion

I am Skyping with Joanne.. (Joanne-Threadhead) which is lovely 

I am off now to start on somethng else

On of these

As you can see I have been playing with the doiley that is tacked to the centre.

And this came yesterday ...a kit I bought from Terry Nixon in Lancashire USA

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Black whole cloth Quilt

Here is some of what I have been doing in the last couple of days

This photo is more the right colour I think than the next one.
The black at night is too difficult, so it has been slow going.
I am doing the last border.  I had a problem with tension - particulartlaly with my Bernina 440 QE.  I have not used it for over a year...and I have been spoint with the Bernina 820.

Andrea had a few moments tonight and has made a video of me quilting some small pebbles and some echoing.
I couldnt get it to work - when I did - it wasnt nicely edited as Andrea had done it, so she will re-edit  it tonght when she gets home.
She has her first exam today - History - 3 hours.  So hoping all goes well.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Quilt West Show in Perth Western Australia

More quilts from the Quilt West Show in Perth Western Australia

Jocelyne Leath - a VERY tallented quilt artist!

 This one is all hand sewn!

 Another quilt by Jocelyn Leath

Thats it from me for the Quilt Show...

Friday, May 25, 2012

Quilt West Show in Perth Western Australia

More photos of the Quilt West Show in Western Australia
I have SUCH a lot of photos ...I wont be editing these, will just change the ppi so they hopefully wont take too long to load ...but I will put some tags up so you can see who they are and where they came in the show if it applies..

 This one I thought I had missed - so pleased I captured it...I

So sorry I haven't got them all labelled , but its way after midnight - and I must get to sleep.  
I have more to show, but they will keep.  Hope to get them up and sorted tomorrow.

I have been busy with some quilting on my Black WCQ - trying to get some done before my Sewing machine goes for its service tomorrow afternoon.
Will send a photo of what I am up to in a couple of days.